25.10.2018. - Arrival of the delegates and teams in the hotel "Inex Gorica" - Ohrid
19:30 Dinner
21:00 Meeting of the Organizing Committee with the representatives of the countries participants
21:30 Extraction of couples for football matches (played 2x15minutes with a break of 5 minutes in the half) are played on the court by UEFA of artificial turf with sneakers (in case of rain is played in gym). The rules of the game are as before.
7:00 - 8:00 Breakfast
8:30 Getting to the Sports Center
9:00 Official opening of the tournament
9:15 Start of group competitions.
Parallel play on two playgrounds, group A and Group B
15:00 - 16:00 Lunch in Hotel Inex Gorica
17:30 Start of the Summit (Direct TV Transmission)
19:00 Coffee break
19:15 Beginning of the Congress of SEEEA and selection of new
20:00 Dinner
21:00 Contract for the next day's activities

7:00 - 8:00 Breakfast
8:30 Getting to the Sports Center
9:00 Playing in semifinal and final matches
14:00 Return to Hotel Inex Gorica
14:30 Travel with the ship to the historical complex "Saint Naum"
15:30 Cocktail party at the restaurant "Ostrovo" in "Saint Naum"
18:00 Departure to the Hotel "Inex Gorica" with the Ship
19:30 Dinner
20:30 Entertaining evening - Getting to the restaurant "Biljanini Izvori " - a cocktail and awarding of the trophies
23:00 Return to Hotel "Inex Gorica"
7:00 - 9:00 Breakfast
10:00 Meeting with heads of delegations
12:00 Leaving the hotel and sharing lunch packs
Nikola Lipovac
SEESJA Chairman
HZSN Vice President
mob: +385 98 9825 127