We wish to remind you to cast your vote for the AIPS 2018 Best Athletes, Teams, and Press Facility NOW! Voting will remain open until Midnight, December 30, 2018.
Vote here for the very best of 2018 or by clicking the banner "VOTE for the Champions 2018" on the AIPS website www.aipsmedia.com.
You can choose among the names in the list in each category: Best Male Athlete, Best Female Athlete, Best Team and Best Press Facilities. You can vote for three candidates in each category.
Thank you!
Kolegice i kolege, članovi AIPS-a
Podsjećamo vas da kao član AIPS-a možete glasati za AIPS 2018 Nagradu za najbolje sportaše Globusa i za najbolji Press centar.
Glasovanje je otvoreno do ponoći, 30.prosinca 2018.!
Glasanje počnite tako da nađete svoju iskaznicu AIPS-a, važeću, za 2018/2019.,
podsjetite se svojega rođendana i pritisnete "VOTE for the Champions 2018” na AIPS websiteu www.aipsmedia.com
Tamo vam je već ponuđen popis za vaše glasove. U svakoj kategoriji imate mogućnost dati 3 svoja glasa.