ZAGREB, April 8, 2019 – On June 3, 1948, the Board of the Croatian Journalists Society adopted the proposal of 'Narodni Sport' (Peoples Sport) newspaper journalists to establish a section of journalists to write for physical culture sections.
The founding assembly of that section was held on April 6, 1949.
At the Westin Hotel in Zagreb, 70 years later - an important birthday was celebrated. Journalists, friends and some representatives of the higher social life in Croatia were present.
Marijan Bakić, General secretary of Croatian Sports Journalist Association (CSJA) prepared a book about 70 years of the section. This was the third book to be written regarding the section, after two were released for the 50th and 60th anniversaries as well, with details based more on the earlier years and about CSJA history in general.
There have been 11 past presidents of the association. Six of those presidents are still living and they were honored during the 70th anniversary celebration. The former presidents that were honored include, Milka Babovic, Miro Rede, Darko Kolombo, Slavko Cvitkovic, Zoran Kovacevic and current president, Jura Ozmec.
The celebration was held on the 17th floor of the Westin Hotel in Zagreb, with a beautiful view of the Croatian Capital. There were more than 150 guests in the hall and many more tuned in to the awards ceremony live on SPTV television.
The lifetime achievement award went to Anton Samovojska, a legendary commentator, excellent futsal player and chess grandmaster. He received his award from the Croatian President envoy, Mirjana Hrga.
Kresimir Samija, the Croatian Prime minister envoy awarded Drazen Antolic the journalist of the year award for his marvelous articles during the World Cup in Russia, and his assistance in writing the book “Russia of our dreams” which he wrote under the name of Croatian Football Coach, Zlatko Dalic.
Dalic also received an award from Gianni Merlo, AIPS President, for his excellent relations to press on every occasion last year. Along with Merlo, Charles Camenzuli, AIPS Europe president and Bosko Trpeski, SEESJA (South East Europe Sports Journalists Association) President were in Zagreb together.
They were also joined by colleagues from neighboring countries of Slovenia, Hungary, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia.
All of the speakers during the live 90-minute TV show insisted not only on the great importance of 70 years of tradition, but also about the future of media and sports journalism, which is a very important part of every association in AIPS membership. By Jura Ozmec, CSJA President PHOTO Robert Valai/HZSN