It’s time to restart. One month after the impressive virtual ceremony from the castle of Vigevano, Italy, the AIPS Sport Media Awards are back. The fourth edition of the most prestigious sports journalism award is now open!
Same categories, same rules, same principles, same goals, same prizes. With our colleagues from around the world currently under a lot of stress for the rapidly changing and unstable working conditions, we wanted to ensure that the 2021 Awards provide some shelter, without any changes from the previous edition.
Today you can start submitting your work in Photography, Writing, Audio and Video using our dedicated website
Global interest - The record numbers of participation last year (1871 works from 129 countries) showed that we are on the right track, allowing colleagues from around the world to compete and be recognised both locally and internationally, thanks to the publication of the continental rankings. To many professionals, to be featured as one of the best in their region was a career-changing moment.
Free entry - Participation is still free and valid for all media professionals, regardless of their working status: full-time or part-time employees and freelancers. The only condition is to be older than 18 years old on or before November 10, 2020.
AIPS members and non-members are equally welcome, as long as participants represent any of the 161 national associations that are part of AIPS.
Dates - The participation period for the fourth edition includes works first published since November 10, 2020, until October 4, 2021. Therefore, the participation window will include the Olympic Games, the men’s Euro and Copa America, among the rest of regular tournaments held every year.
Categories - All submissions are individual. Each person can submit two original works across all senior categories. The senior categories are eight: two for Photography (Action Photo and Portfolio), two for Writing (Best Column and Best Colour Piece), three for video (Documentary, Athlete Profile, Short Feature) and one for audio.
Proof of publication must be included in each entry form.
Young Reporters - Applicants born after January 1, 1992 can optionally use one out of their two submissions to participate in the Best Young Reporter category (either in Writing, Broadcasting or Photography) that grants a scholarship at a top international event.
All languages - While English is the official language, you can submit your work in your own language, with or without translation. In the 2020 edition we’ve handled 34 different languages. Our screening process involves mother tongue speakers. All selected works will be translated into English.
Voting - No other award can claim the global impact and the thorough judging process, that involves 5 voting stages involving 40 media professionals: a panel of specialists, 24 the AIPS Executive Committee members and the 12 jurors, including the president of the Jury, AIPS president Gianni Merlo.
Prizes - Each category awards 8,000 US Dollars for the first place, 3,000 US Dollars for the second place and 2,000 US Dollars for the third place.
Investigative Reporting and A Life in Sport are the two Special categories, not open to submissions, decided by the Jury and not entitled to money prize. 
More info  - You can check all the technical requirements for each category in the website,
If you are already registered and participated in the past, you can access directly to your profile using your username and password. You can already upload your work for the fourth edition. As usual, you can also edit, change or delete your submissions at any time.
E-College - As part of the cultural project of the AIPS Sport Media Awards, in May AIPS will launch its renowned 2021 e-College, an online education programme of 12 sessions, featuring debates with some of the previous winners and vital lessons on the current hot topics of the profession. You can sign up to 2021 e-College here. It’s also free and guarantees to be up-to-date with the modern challenges in sports media.
The sport media excellence trail restarts now. Are you ready to be part of it?

 AIPS Media/ Graphics by Nordcap Studio

Istaknuto iz fotogalerije



HZSN - Fotogalerija
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