The terrible and dangerous escalation of the crisis between Russia and Ukraine is experiencing another decisive phase in these hours, creating a humanitarian crisis. A scenario that involves Ukrainian sports as well: after the introduction of martial law overnight by Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy all sports activities have been suspended.
CHAMPIONSHIP SUSPENDED: The current situation involves the Ukrainian football world as well. The Ukraine championship, in fact, has been temporarily suspended for the next 30 days, according to an official statement by the Ukraine football federation via their website. The league was meant to restart on Friday following its winter break, with a “life goes on plan”, but the league confirmed in the past hours that the start has been delayed, after the introduction - as previously mentioned - of martial law.
THE UKRAINE NATIONAL TEAM: Doubts about Ukraine's World Cup play-off match against Scotland, scheduled on March 24, in Glasgow, will take place or not now are increasing as well in these hours. UEFA and FIFA, for the moment, are waiting for an evolution of the situation and did not make an official decision about it and about the possibility of changing the 2022 UEFA Champions League final, scheduled on May 28, from Saint Petersburg to another location, as suggested in the past days by United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson in an official statement.
THE POSITION OF UEFA: UEFA, in the meantime, made the following statement about the situation: "Following the evolution of the situation between Russia and Ukraine in the last 24 hours, the UEFA President has decided to call an extraordinary meeting of the Executive Committee for Friday 25 February at 10:00 CET, in order to evaluate the situation and take all necessary decisions. Further communication will be made after the meeting of the UEFA Executive Committee."
PLAYERS AND STAFF STUCKED: Shakhtar Donetsk, starting from today, will not train for the following days: Italian coach Andrea De Zerbi, alongside eight of his collaborators and his team players, are now enclosed in a hotel, without the possibility to expire elsewhere, with the Donetsk Sergey Prokofiev International Airport definitely closed, due to the critical situation. The match against FC Riga, which was previously scheduled on Saturday 19, has been cancelled alongside other matches.
AIPS strongly condemns the “Special Military Operation“ that has created an humanitarian tragedy in Ukraine
In the face of the humanitarian tragedy that is hitting Ukraine hard, AIPS condemns Vladimir Putin's choice to launch what he simply called a Special Military Operation, which is shaking not only Ukraine but the whole of Europe and the world. We are principally opposed to the use of violence as an instrument of oppression.
With the upcoming Paralympics in Beijing (4-13 March), this Special Military Operation has also crumbled the Olympic truce, which sport had launched years ago as a tool for reflection and blocking the choice of using force to resolve situations that are certainly difficult, but which can be settled in another way.
If we were to accept these violent, muscular behaviours, we would end up allowing others to open new fronts tomorrow. The role of us sports journalists is usually to ensure that the world of sports remains clean, free from certain viruses that infect our society, to protect the future of the younger generations to whom we must not teach that violence is the only tool to silence those who do not think like us. We ask that hostilities stop and immediately begins a process of recovering these human principles that have been trampled on.
Face la tragédie humanitaire qui frappe durement l'Ukraine, l'AIPS condamne le choix de Vladimir Poutine de lancer ce qu'il a simplement appelé une Opération Militaire Spéciale, qui secoue non seulement l'Ukraine, mais l'ensemble de l'Europe et du monde.
Nous nous opposons principalement ? l'utilisation de la violence comme instrument d'oppression.
Avec les prochains Jeux Paralympiques de Pékin (4-13 mars), cette Opération militaire spéciale a également détruit la tr?ve olympique, que le sport avait lancée il il y a des années comme outil de réflexion et de blocage du choix du recours ? la force pour résoudre des situations qui sont certainement difficiles, mais cela peut ?tre résolu d'une autre mani?re.
Si nous acceptons ces comportements violents et musclés, nous finirons par permettre demain ? d'autres d'ouvrir de nouveaux fronts. Le rôle des journalistes sportifs est généralement de veiller ? ce que le monde du sport reste propre, de certains virus qui infectent notre société, de protéger l'avenir des jeunes générations ? qui il fau past apprendre que la violence est le seul outil pour faire taire ceux qui pensent comme nous. Nous demandons la fin des et le démarrage immédiat d'un processus de récupération de ces principes humains bafoués.
Ante la tragedia humanitaria que golpea duramente a Ucrania, la AIPS condena la elección de Vladimir Putin de lanzar lo que él simplemente llamó una Operación Militar Especial, que está sacudiendo no solo a Ucrania, sino a toda Europa y al mundo.
Nos oponemos por principio al uso de la violencia como instrumento de opresión.
Ante la proximidad de los próximos Juegos Paralímpicos de Pekín (4-13 de marzo), esta Operación Militar Especial también ha desmoronado la tregua olímpica, que el deporte puso en marcha muchos a?os atrás como herramienta de reflexión y de bloqueo a la elección del uso de la fuerza para resolver situaciones ciertamente difíciles, pero que se pueden solucionar de otro modo.
Si aceptáramos estos comportamientos violentos y terminaríamos permitiendo que otros abran nuevos frentes similares el día de ma?ana. El papel de los periodistas deportivos suele ser el de asegurar que el mundo del deporte se mantenga limpio, libre de ciertos virus que infectan a nuestra sociedad, para proteger el futuro de lasgeneraciones más jóvenes, las que no debemos ense?ar que la violencia es una herramienta para silenciar a quienes no piensan como nosotros. Desde la AIPS pedimos el cese del conflicto y que se inicie de inmediato un proceso de recuperación de los principios humanos que han sido aplastados.
Di fronte alla tragedia umanitaria che sta colpendo duramente l'Ucraina l'AIPS, Associazione della Stampa Sportiva Internazionale, condanna la scelta di Vladimir Putin di lanciare quella che lui ha semplicemente definitiv Special Military Operation, che sta squassando non solo l'Ucraina, ma l'intera Europa e il mondo.
Noi siamo contrari di principio all'uso della violenza, dođite strumento di ugnjetavanje.
Questa ha sbriciolato anche la tregua olimpica, che lo sport aveva lanciato anni fa come strumento di riflessione e bloccare la scelta di usare la forza per risolvere situazioni certamente difficili, ma che possono essere sistemate in altro modo. Se dovessimo accettare questi comportamenti violenti, muscolari, finiremmo per permettere ad altri di aprire domani altri fronti.
Il ruolo di noi giornalisti sportivi di solito ? quello di fare in modo che il mondo dello sport rimanga pulito, libero da taluni virus che ammorbano la nostra societ?, per tutelare il futuro delle giovani generazioni a cui non dobbiamo insegnare che la violenza ? l'unico strumento per fare tacere chi non la pensa come noi. Chiediamo che le ostilit? finiscano e inizi subito un processo di recupero di questi principi umani che sono stati calpestati.
AIPS Executive Committee Photo by Getty Images
AIPS Media/Stefano Carnevale, Photo by Lars Baron/Bongarts/Getty Images