The Special Olympic World Games in Berlin is not just about sport. After an impressive Opening Ceremony, the day started with a round table that gathered ambassadors from all over the globe which justified the slogan “hosting the world”.
The meeting has been the ideal frame for a renovated goal: launching a Global Leadership Coalition for Inclusion, a pioneering effort to support people with disabilities. The strength of community and the idea of equality and equality brought from each participating country is united in one and the same desire: to create an equal world for everyone, because there is enough room for everyone. Without fear, without prejudice and without stigma.
THE VOICE FOR THE VOICELESS Speaking from his own experience, but on behalf of all people with disabilities, Nyasha Derera - Messenger and Chair of the Global Messenger - showed that people with disabilities can do just as much, if not more than others, given that the start is not equal. Much more effort and sweat had to be invested compared to other colleagues. And this is what must change in order to be able to say that we live in unity.
FUTURE BUILD TODAY There is an established opinion that children are the future in which we see progress, development, security and support. "Children are our future - no! They are now and they are future leaders!", concluded Douglas X. Alexandra, Chairperson for the Lions Club International Foundation. This is the future we need, the future that brings progress and development and the future we create today.
WHAT WE SHOULD LEARN - Imagine you come to a school where they teach empathy, respect, courage and acceptance. Imagine an admission test for which you just have to help someone or hug him/her? What kind of world would that be? Anyone at Special Olympics learns something from everyone, and there is nobody who has met a person with developmental disabilities who has not seen true sincerity and desire for life.
WHAT IS SPORT ABOUT? Sport is much more than a competition, as the European Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli said: "Sport has the power to break the barriers and inspire positive social change.” Only 40% of low-and middle-income countries have education budgets designated for children with disabilities, a figure proving how urgent it is a new effort to increase inclusive practices to integrate students with intellectual disabilities. This reflects the magnitude and importance of this event, not only for people with disabilities but for society and the whole world.
Tereza Šušnjara - AIPS Young Reporter - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Photo by Máté Ladjánszki - AIPS Young Reporter - Hungary