I wish the reason for this letter was different, but it's not.The death of a young man on the eve of a football match in Athens and the role of "fans" from Croatia in the riots on the tame streets of your capital is a cause.
I am ashamed as Croat and on behalf of all Croatian sports journalists I want such things never to happen again. Anywhere. Now the cause doesn't matter anymore, and neither do any stories about the announcement of savagery. The important thing is that one man lost his life. Dear friends, please accept that in Croatia this act is condemned in the strongest possible terms in all media. We are in grief with the parents, relatives, friends and acquaintances of the murdered young man. We hope, all of us, that these creatures, because they can not be call humans, will be caught up with a well-deserved sentence, and a murderer with life in prison sentence. I salute you with the wish that I will never have to write you a letter like this again ...
Jura Ozmec, president
Croatian Sports Journalists Association
Croatian Sports Journalists Association