I have seen and experienced many Olympic ceremonies, some innovative, fun. Right here in France in 1992, the opening of the Albertville Winter Games presented the novelty of mobile structures and choreography, that was a ceremony of absolute avant-garde in the Olympic world.

THE CHALLENGE Here in Paris the new great challenge began and also a new format for the last kilometers of the torch relay. The race was practically abolished, perhaps to avoid heart attacks after 50 meters, but torchbearers on motorboats and then catwalks also in front of important churches with the participation of actors and singers.

HAND IN POCKET For example, at a certain point on one of these, the beautiful actress Laetizia Casta appeared, they gave her a torch. She walked slowly towards the entrance of the church and then the images went up to a terrace on the roof, where magically the flame ended up with the singer Pharell Williams, in white Bermuda shorts, like an athlete, who took it with an absent air and one hand in his pocket. He seemed distant in mind, or very excited. He took three slow steps, then some helpful attendants took the flame from his torch, put it safely in a lamp, and he came down with the unlit torch and put it in a large, elegant case, accompanied by Laetizia. The meaning of this image escaped us, or perhaps we were distracted.

MEDIA AND VIPS SOAKED The rain then created some difficulties, but the magic did not suffer much. The journalists in the stands were soaked, but even some high-ranking members of the IOC found themselves in the same condition, so there was an involuntary equality of treatment. However, a minimum of attention for the press would have been necessary. Working with computers in the rain is not possible, even the most naive of organisers know this. Colleagues took refuge under transparent plastic sheets worthy of a village festival… Of course the media are not given much consideration, but treating them this way is also unfair and unacceptable. A roof should have been studied….

THE SMALL PRECEDENT The parade on the Seine reminded us of a ceremony on a smaller scale, but on the water in Hong Kong for the South Asian Games. The Parisian choice was considered crazy, pretentious and more, but we believe they did well to take a calculated risk. They have fixed a historic moment, which will remain in people’s minds as unique. Some athletes and managers will have to take aspirin, but a few thrills will not erase the emotion of being in Olympic history. Do you say that it is a small thing? No, we are still human beings with feelings, at least we hope so. Logically there will be no shortage of criticism, ours first, the heavy financial costs will be discussed. It is normal, but everyone is talking about it and will talk about it and this was the final objective. Maybe we are exaggerating, but sport has shown that it is still capable of reaching goals that seem impossible. For this to the organizers: chapeau! Even if with some human reservations.

 AIPS Media/Gianni Merlo Photo by Ludovic Marin - Pool/Getty Images

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